Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Christianity and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Christianity and Education - Essay Example Years ago, people served God without feeling ashamed. He was a part of everyday life. Society valued the Lord as a whole, as it was expected that all people go to church for worship. Those who did not were looked down upon, since they were not giving the Lord the thanks he deserves. Children prayed openly in school, and the class always said prayers before beginning the daily study routine. Nowadays, fewer people attend church. Christians who are faithful in their worship towards God are frequently mocked, and if people miss church, not much is thought of it. Much of society does not hold god in as high of regard as they used to. What’s even worse is that God has practically been taken out of our schools. Some secular individuals who do not take Christianity seriously may reason that Christians are making too much of a big deal about matters. They feel that God is still in our schools, since children are still allowed to pray privately. Evidence, on the other hand, is contrary to such reasoning, as the Bible has much to show us about the times we are living in. What’s more, we can find an explanation in the pages of God’s word as to why the school system is going downhill when it comes to God and morals. The passage at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 gives us a good explanation as to why such events are transpiring. This passage talks about the last days and what is to occur during those times. We are told that children will be disrespectful to those in charge, having a complete lack of regard to authority. Violence will increase greatly, as people will commit violent crimes without a conscience. There will be a serious lacking of self control, and the number of selfish individuals will increase to an alarming rate. Should a person make a mistake, there will be no forgiveness if he wants to smooth things over because people during the last days will be very unforgiving. And if this isn't bad enough, we are told about how people will have a prideful spirit, and will deeply persecute those who love serving God and doing what is right. People will only be concerned about the things that pleasure them rather than devoting time to serving God (the Holy Bible, New King James Version.) Everything that was mention in this Bible passage is characteristic of what is currently occurring in our schools at present. Years ago, children actually respected the teachers. Now, it is not common to hear that teachers stand around helplessly while the children do their dirty business because they are afraid of what the children might do for correcting the behavior. Children talk back to the teachers, and some have even inflicted harsh physical violence. The number of violent incidences that occur in our schools today is ever increasing. Just about every time one switches on the TV to watch the news, there is some sort of report on school violence. There are numerous cases concerning children who bully others, and nothing is done about it because the teachers are afraid of the bullies. Others take things to the extremes by calling bomb threats or bringing weapons to school to injure and kill teachers and fellow classmates. Such violent behavior is not characteristic of a Christian who is reverent in his service to God, and it shows us that things are really getting out of control as described in the above Bible passage. When we look at the pages of God's word, He makes it very clear how he feels about violence. At Galatians 5:19, 20, there is a list of practices that are not acceptable for a servant of God to engage in. Acts of violence are listed among them. In these verses, we are told what will happen to those who engage in such acts. These persons will not inherit God's kingdom (the Holy Bible, New King James Version). Also Psalm 11:5 states that God hates violence (the holy Bible, New King James Version). Nothing can be clearer about how God feels than this verse, which directly states His feelings about the subject. Sadly, school children are not taking this into account, as God is no longer a part of the school curriculum. God

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